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December Almanac

Weโ€™re here! The last month of the year has arrived. Today the first marks the start of the meteorological winter, and she delivered! Itโ€™s so wintery cold today – love it! (Not so much that the house isnโ€™t warm)

Tomorrow my town rings the season in with Kingsbridge Celebrates Christmas,ย @kingsbridgecelebratesxmas, the main street will be lined with market stalls with home made crafts and goods, delicious food and drink stands, Santa will be there, weโ€™ve got an ice rink on the square and the Christmas lights will be switched on when it goes dark โœจ๐ŸŽ„

Sunday the 3rd is the first Sunday of advent with the festival of lights of Hanukkah starting on the 7th.

The winter solstice is on the 22nd which marks the start of the astrological winter. On this day the dark of night lasts longer than the light of the day. From here on out days light house lengthen again.

Then the big 3, 24th Christmas Eve, 25th Christmas Day (or eerste kerstdag in Dutch), and Boxing Day on the 26th (or tweede kerstdag in Dutch – cause one day of Christmas isnโ€™t enough, we have a second ๐Ÿ˜†)

Then closing off the month and year with the 31st with New Yearโ€™s Eve โœจ

This month’s full moon falls on the 27th and is called the Oak moon, Full Cold moon and Iโ€™m this months case also called the Moon after Yule.


A winter garden

I love this month, it is either sparkling in the frost or sparkling in fairy lights. We all (well, most of us) bring light into our homes, cosy up and have some magic โœจ


Raspberries & colour

Thereโ€™s not an awful lot going on in the garden but thereโ€™s still surprisingly lots thatโ€™s in flower, the green manure is doing alright and Iโ€™m still picking fresh raspberries!

Happy December all, I hope itโ€™s a good one however you celebrate