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March Greenhouse Almanac

The start of the meteorological spring has sprung! Only 20 days till spring officially starts people. March is packed full of celebratory days starting with St David’s day on the first, St Piran’s day on the 5th, Holi on the 6th (Hindu spring festival that begins at sundown) alongside Purim which is Jewish.

We celebrate international women’s day on the 8th as well as St John of God’s day – who is the patron saint of booksellers.

I’ll be joining the community orchard planting again this month on the 11th, and this time it will be in my own street (or near enough). I’m so excited by the prospect of one day walking down there and pick various sorts of fruit on trees I’ve helped plant! 🍎🍐🍒🍑

My sister in-laws birthday on the 16th, St Patrick’s day on the 17th and my husbands birthday on the 18th, followed by Mothering Sunday on the 19th. Busy few days here at Cornerstone!

Then my favourite on the 20th which is the vernal equinox at 21:24 that marks the start of the astrological spring and celebrating Ostara 🌸 celebrating new life, the Earth waking up and all things Pagan to go with it.

The Ramadan month of fasting starts on the 22nd at sundown/sighting of the crescent moon ☪️

And Summertime starts on the 26th with the clocks going one hour forwards (spring forwards, fall backwards).

In the sky you’ll be able to see Venus and Jupiter. And this month’s full moon falls on the 7th. March’s full moon is known as Plough moon, Lenten moon or Chaste moon. The New moon falls on the 21st, the day after the equinox.

This month will see the return of wild garlic and I’m can’t wait to go to the woods to forage for some. Along with the yearly tradition of making a frittata with it and nettle, I think this year I’ll add pesto to the menu.

Seed sowing is in full swing here and I really need to make some space upstairs to house all the seedlings that are too tender to go to the greenhouse yet. Below are some photos of what I found in the greenhouse today.


March Plans

The plans for this month are to order and install the fence, order and plant the hedge (hopefully!!), clear a boatload of weeds from everywhere. I really want to make a start digging the pond too, I just find I’ve not had the energy to do so yet. And that’s ok, if not what annoying but these things happen I guess. You can’t always be go go go. I’ve been dealing with a lot lately and there is a time and place for everything at the end of the day.

However! I (currently) feel ready to take on a mountain (I’m sure my body will disagree with me on that though) and I look forward to what this month will bring. As mentioned I will be continuing with sowing various things and this month will see the majority of vegetables as well as flowers. More than anything I’d like to get to the stage that I can plant out my tomatoes at the beginning of next month – currently they are yet to sprout though 😕 patience never was my strong suit 😆

Anyway, enough chatting, have a wonderful month – the darkest and worst of the winter is finally over!