N O V E M B E R 🍂

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The Stormy Month is here 🌬️

The stormy month is here 🌬️ We’ve just had storm Ciarán rage over the south of Devon, rivers are overflowing, there’s ben flash floods down at the quay in town and last night I could have sworn the roof was going to the land of Oz 🌪️🌧️

This month kicks off with the continuation of celebrating and remembering the dead as well as the slow decay of nature and celebration of the beginning of winter. Today, on the first, we celebrate the Gaelic/ pagan Samhain as well as the Christian All Saints’ Day. Followed by All Soul’s Day tomorrow. The Bridgewater Carnival on the 4th.

Guy Fawkes night on the 5th – remember remember to check your fire for 🦔 little hibernating creatures before you light your fires 🔥

Martinmas and Remembrance Day are on the 11th – as well my mamas birthday! – Followed by remembrance day the 12th. Diwali 🪔 the Hindu/ Sikh/ Jain festival of lights on the 13th. American thanksgiving on the 23rd, stir up Sunday on the 26th and St Andrew’s day on the 30th.

This month’s full moon is called the darkest depth moon or mourning moon. Falling on the 27th this time and is also called the moon before Yule, as it is the last full moon before – you guessed it – Yule


Winter prep

There’s not much happening in the garden at the moment, other than the onset of decay. Leaves are browning and losing their last bits of colour, before fading into the soil, aided by oodles of little critters that make the world go round. With that in mind it is why the big raised bed is prepped for winter now. Weeded, cleared of some bits and plants, topped with spent soil from 2 self watering pots from the greenhouse, and my own green manure mix sowed.

Next up is one level down and I’ll sow clover into that one I think. I used up all the mix I made for the big raised bed. 🤞 things will actually germinate still. I did not water it in and as soon as I went inside the heavens opened and watered it all for me! Talk about being lucky ☘️🌧️

If you haven’t already, check out my News post on Green manure (by either clicking this link or clicking ‘previous post’ at the top of this page) to find out what I’m talking about and if it is something you might enjoy doing too. Healthy plants start, after all, by healthy soil.


Happy November all, cosy down, light those candles, make some hot choc and enjoy the slower pace of the season, there’s still some magic to be found 🕯️🍫🍂✨