Griddled Courgette in Chilli & Mint Dressing

We’ve all been there one time or another, oodles of courgettes and not knowing what to do with it. Well, let me give you an addition to try for next time you’re stuck on what to make with your courgettes. This recipe – I think – comes from a tesco magazine from many many years ago. It combines the flavours of the courgette, zestiness of lemon, heat from chilli and the freshness from mint. It has so many flavour layers, each bite is a delight. Simple to make, but the grilling does take a while. I imagine this being nice the next day, mine never makes it this far 😆


Courgettes in strips or sticks
in this recipe I used one courgette and 1½ large patty pans
3tbsp Olive oil
1 Lemon
zest & juice
1tbsp White wine vinegar
½ Red chilli
minced, this means it will mix well throughout and give flavour over heat
2tbsp Fresh mint
30g Pinenuts
optional, roasted


Preheat your griddle pan (you could also do this on a bbq)
Preheat oven to a low heat

1. Cut your courgette/summer squash in equally thick slices*
2. Brush a little olive oil on both side of the courgette (this prevents sticking to the pan)
3. Griddle them on both sides until that lovely charring happens, this can take a while if your pan isn’t hot enough
4. In a bowl, mix together your oil, vinegar, mint, chilli & lemon juice + zest, season to taste
5. Keep any ‘done’ squash in a dish in a oven on a low heat
6. If having, roast the pine nuts in a dry frying pan until brown, watch them, they can burn quickly
6. Once all done, pour over your dressing, sprinkle the pine nuts on top if having (I didn’t this time) and dish up!

Goes really well as a side with lemony chicken, hearty meatballs or even a good burger!

*side note, if you have large patty pans that have been picked a while ago, it might be worth to peel them and scoop the seeds out. I didn’t and they really could have benefitted from that.