Wild Garlic & Nettle Frittata

A wonderful and nutritious breakfast or brunch after a morning of foraging in your local woodland area. Forage sensible & safe, pick what you’ll use, leave some for others, leave most for wild life.

Recipe by Lia Leendertz


3 tbsp Olive oil
4 Eggs
lightly whisked & seasoned with S&P
350g Baby New Potatoes
boiled & thickly sliced
A few Wild Garlic Leaves
well washed & sliced into thin strips
A good handful of Nettle tips
blanched & chopped
5 tbsp Ricotta
3 slices Prosciutto
or Parma ham
150g Broad beans
steamed & double podded


  1. Preheat oven to 190C/Fan 170C/ Gas 5. Heat the oil gently in a heavy bottomed (ovenproof, ideally) frying pan and then add the whisked eggs.
  2. Drop in cooked potatoes, wild garlic and nettles, then dollop spoonfuls of the ricotta onto the top, drape the prosciutto over them and scatter broad beans over everything and then a little more salt and pepper on the top.
  3. Turn to the lowest heat and cover with a lid if you have one or with kitchen foil if not. After 10 mins, transfer to the oven and cook for another 10 mins, before removing the lid and cooking for a final 10 mins or so, until the egg is set and the top starts to brown.

Cook’s note: If you don’t have an ovenproof frying pan you can cook the frittata entirely on the hob (about 20 mins) and then finish off the top under the grill (until the top is set and looks toasty).