O C T O B E R 🎃

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O C T O B E R 🎃

It’s pumpkin month and the table is filling with various squash. I’m not sure where September – one of my two fav months – has gone. It was over in a blink and it’s a shame I was ill for 2 weeks of it, in the Netherlands for a week (for a family funeral and spending quality time with my parents), I’m kinda bummed that the last week (or whole month) went so quick!

So, hello October! This month we have Harvest home/ Ingathering, the start of Black history month (which should be part of every month) and the start of the English pudding season today, the 1st. On the 11th Old Michaelmas Day, which according to lore is the day the devil fell from heaven, landed on a bramble and cursed the fruits, so blackberries are traditionally not eaten after this date.

On the 21st is Apple day, summer time ends with the clocks going back an hour on the 29th. With the October bank holiday in Ireland on the 30th.

The 31st is all Hallows eve or Hallowe’en and Samhain (which starts on the 31st and celebrates on the 1st November). I’ve been watching Vampire diaries lately (team Damon) and in one of the episode they remember the dead by ringing a bell at the loved one’s grave, sharing a memory and having a toast. And I like that. So I’m on the look out for a nice brass bell to ring 🔔

Autumn is in full swing, leaves are turning vibrant colour, nuts are falling, the hedgerow are full and there’s a sense of peace I’m feeling at this time of year. October is my other fav month and I’m hoping to enjoy a bit more of this one 😉

October’s full moon is called the Hunters moon or Blood moon and will fall on the 28th this month.

The garden is the messiest it’s been so far this year. All the annuals have started dying off, making the garden go to bed in prep for winter slumber. However, there’s still plenty of beauty to be found and spots of colour. Some things haven’t quite given up on the year yet and are in full swing still. Lots to look forward to as well.

Happy spooky month!


It's pumpkin season!

One of the many thing to look forward to is the abundance of winter squash, ready for picking, carving, filling, roasting, blending, baking and even drinking with. I will definitely look into all of those.. I’ve grown a large amount of different pumpkins this year. Some will be gifted and/or shared, whether its a wedge or a pie. I’m certainly looking forward to find all sorts of new recipes to share with you.

Another thing I look forward to is going to a pumpkin patch near us. Yes, you read that right. I’ll be going to pick more squash 😆🎃
I see it as a way of taste testing before saving or even buying seeds. It supports a local farmer, is a fun day out with friends and their little ones. What’s not to love 🤷‍♀️☺️

This month also marks my husband & mine ‘being together for 13 years anniversary! Something I always fondly remember since the 19th is the day I flew over to see (& meet) him for the very first time. Safe to say we hit it off ♥️🤭

And then there’s halloween. I love all things spooky, scary, supernatural and weird. There is something beautiful about the decay of autumn and all that goes with it, spirits witching hour and midnight margaritas. Autumn just does it all a bit extra 🍁🍂🎃
