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Autumn is here

“The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air”

For the past week I’ve smelt the change in the air. Autumn is here. It’s no secret that I don’t like summer, it always feels pressing, too busy/ high energy that I just don’t have. I much prefer the slower, more gentle seasons of spring and autumn and the deep rest of winter. Call me crazy, but it’s what I like 🤷‍♀️
Today the 1st marks the start of the meteorological start of autumn, Krishna’s birthday 7th, Ethiopian new year on the 12th, with the Jewish one on 15 at sundown. Ganesh’s. Ruth day in the 18th.

The Autumn Equinox on the 23rd marks the start of the astronomical autumn and the Pagan harvest celebration, Mabon. Followed by my dads birthday on the 25th ☺️

On 24th the Jewish day of atonement, t27th Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at sighting of the crescent moon, 29th sukkot (Jewish) at sundown and on the 29th Michaelmas (Christian).Septembers full moon is called the Harvest moon and this year it falls on the 29th. This month starts with my annual buy of the new almanac at my local bookstore @harbourbookshop_devon – we really need you to come for a signing session Lia! 🙏

Furthermore I’ll be flying to my home country for a family funeral this coming weekend & week. It’ll be nice to see my family and spend time with them, the occasion for me to go over is less joyeus. Tomorrow is @cornerstonephotos & my 6th wedding anniversary and we’re celebrating tonight by going to @wearewildartichokes (who catered our wedding).

Happy September 🍃 all
